Why Digital Photography “Still” Matters!
Although video is the dominant form of media today, digital images remain powerful tools to capture those “iconic” moments.
A Picture Is Worth A 1000 Words
Have you ever heard the adage, “A picture is worth a thousand words!” Well, some things remain timeless. Although video is the dominant form of media today, digital images remain powerful tools to capture those “iconic” moments. Digital images strategically placed throughout your school’s website, admissions, or advancement materials or placed prominently throughout your school’s most visible locations bring these pages and spaces to life. As symbols of your school’s success, they become powerful transmitters of your school’s history, mission, and identity. Investing in professional photography makes a real difference!
CVP Tip: Remember, more photos were taken last year than in all human history combined. We all know intuitively why a picture is worth a thousand words. So why do you think Apple makes its cameras in their iPhones so good? We’re all better equipped to take high-resolution photos today, but that doesn’t mean we’re professionals. As any former athlete will tell you, playing with the most expensive piece of equipment doesn’t mean you’re going to win Wimbledon or The Masters! Work with our professional photographers to get the image worth a thousand words!
Digital Photos Play A Major Role In Videos
A well-produced professional video about your school must include high-quality digital images. Interspersed throughout your school’s admissions or advancement videos, it’s essential to have high-resolution digital images that act as another form of B-roll, which provides a powerful way to “show” your campus stories. In addition, our professional photographs capturing students in action help to make the whole video production for your school much more engaging and memorable.
CVP Tip: Remember, it’s easier for us to retain a single image versus a whole production. Make sure your school’s videos include professional digital images, as you want people to both view and retain a positive perception of the video. Still, images embedded within videos helps your target audiences to immediately identify with your school through these powerful visual cues.
CVP Tip: Remember, one image can shape a lasting perception about your school. Make it a positive one!
Transform The “White” Space On Your School’s Web Pages
School websites, especially home pages, that look like something out of an old telephone book with lots of lifeless text and open “white” spaces are uninviting and off-putting among prospective students, families, and prospects. In contrast, transforming your school’s web pages with beautiful digital images that are strategically outfitted throughout your school’s website will make your community feel like it just had a long overdue makeover!
CVP Tip: Remember, photographs used throughout the school’s website must uniformly reveal the school’s colors, logos, and other brand identifiers. It’s important that these images have the same professional style and look throughout as failure to do will make your school’s web pages look disjointed among your target audiences, which will eventually diminish your school’s brand.
Don’t Make Your School Professionals Look Like They Just Got Off A Cross-Country Flight!
Imagine your school has made the worthwhile choice to invest in producing high-quality videos to rebrand your school to change perceptions about it. Yet, it posts digital photos of your administration, faculty, and staff where they look like they just got off a long cross-country flight. Treating your team of educators as professionals by having professional photographs of them located on the website says a lot about how your school values them as professionals. If you’re looking to build trust with the broader community, capturing your administration, faculty, and staff with beautiful digital images tells the public that not just anyone can teach at your school. It’s another powerful way to build trust!
CVP Tip: Remember, a school is only as good as the people within it, so let each of your educators feel valued with a professional photo so that they’ll be proud to identify with your school.